Monday, June 25, 2012

613 hotspots found in pulpwood concessions within three weeks

As rain rarely pours Riau Province many fires hotspots found recently including in timber concessions and protected areas. At least 613 hotspots detected within three weeks in this month as the total of hotspots in the province are 1573. There are 613 fire hotspots were totally found in several concessions of acacia plantation or industrial timber plantation during period of June 1-20 where the most hotspots detected were on concession of Asia Pulp & Paper’s timber supplier PT Satria Perkasa Agung (ex- HPHTI PT. Intipalma/ affiliated to APP) with 225 spots.
It is followed by PT Sumatera Riang Lestari Blok 3 (Asian Pacific Resources International Limited/APRIL) with 101, PT Dexter Timber Perkasa Indonesia (APP) 44, PT Rimba Rokan Perkasa (APP) 35, PT Rimba Lazuardi (APRIL) 22, PT Arara Abadi – Duri (APP) 21, PT Bina Daya Bentala (APP) 17, PT Rimba Rokan Lestari (APRIL) 17, PT Artelindo Wiratama (already split from APP) 11, and PT RAPP Baserah (APRIL) 11. Other concessions that also significantly hit by hotspots are PT Suntara Gaja Pati (APP), PT Arara Abadi Pelalawan (APP), PT Perawang Sukses Perkasa Industri (APP), PT RAPP Pulau Padang (APRIL), PT Sumatera Riang Lestari Blok 4 (APRIL), PT Selaras Abadi Utama (APRIL) and PT Ruas Utama Jaya (APP). By affiliated companies, APP has 408 hotspots while APRIL 205. The monitoring of forest and land fires hotspot is conducted based on satellite of Modis Terra Aqua that managed recently by NASA and it is analyzed by Eyes on the Forest. By HPH selective logging concession, PT Hutani Sola Lestari in Tesso Nilo landscape has 38 spots followed by PT Siak Raya Timber in Tesso Nilo with 13 spots, and PT Diamond Raya Timber in Senepis with 7 spots. By protected and conservation areas, Tesso Nilo National Park is the most hotspots detected with 108 and followed by Giam Siak Kecil biosphere reserve with 8 hotspots

Friday, June 22, 2012

Indonesian NGO Jikalahari denounces District Head for preference on village forest

Non governmental organizations and civil society group network to rescue natural forest in Riau, Jikalahari, denounced Pelalawan District Head for ignoring community’s proposal to manage communal forest in Kampar Peninsula and critized his favoritism to pulp giant’s “greenwashing” project. Jikalahari issued a press release last week saying forestry corporate crime remained occur nowadays as the government and pulp company collaborate to foil divine aspiration proposed by residents of Semenanjung Kampar. Jikalahari said that on May 30, Pelalawan District Head Muhammad Haris rejected a proposal of village forest that proposed by Pulau Muda and Teluk Meranti residents. Around 12,360 hectares of forest was designated for Village Forest by the Minister of Forestry initially following a proposal submitted by four villages in Pelalawan. “We call on Pelalawan District Head to be on side of community since the District Head can recommend ending up permit process by PT Gemilang Citra Nusantara [an APRIL affiliated company],” Muslim Rasyid, coordinator of Jikalahari, said last week. Jikalahari accused PT RAPP, an APRIL subsidiary, of targeting REDD+ ambitiously just for its green wash campaign by running the Ecosystem Restoration project proposed by PT Gemilang Citra Nusantara (GCN). “As if by implementing RE [Ecosystem Restoration] they have saved Riau’s forest. Whereas PT RAPP is one of companies destroying forest in Riau,” Muslim said. Meanwhile, Raflis of Transparency International Indonesia of Riau Chapter analyzed that favoritism shown by the District Government over the company possibly drove further corrupt practice. “The corrupt practice possibly to happen in this case is information manipulation which will benefit to a certain side [in this case is the company], while it will cause loss to another one [community,” Raflis said. On the other hand, as PT GCN, the APRIL affiliated company, proposed a permit for Restoration Ecosystem forest management by size of 19,674 hectares, the District Head immediately endorsed it by issuing a recommendation letter, Jikalahari said. “It is suspected that a policy issued by breaching some rules will correlate strongly to corrupt practices accompanying it,” Raflis said.