Wednesday, January 24, 2018

APRIL suppliers still failing to have the have work plans approved

As of the fourth week of this month, 33 pulpwood companies have had their 10-year work plans (2017-2026) approved by the Indonesian Ministry of the Environment and Forestry on the basis that these work plans are aligned with Indonesia’s new peat regulations.

Most of the pulpwood companies whose work plans have yet to be approved fall under the APRIL group operating in Sumatra’s Riau province.

The wholly APRIL-owned company PT RAPP is in the list, but besides this there is just one APRIL supplier, PT NSR, whose work plan has been approved by the ministry. However, the size of its peat protection zone in its concession is extremely small.

In contrast, PT SRL, the largest APRIL supplier, had a strict administrative sanction imposed on it by the ministry in late December 2017, obliging the company, among other demands, to remove all the newly-planted acacia in its concession because such replanting in peat protection zones constitutes a peat violation.

The photos below, taken in early December last year, show newly-planted acacia in a peat protection zone at PT SRL, part of APRIL’s supply chain, which the ministry ordered to be removed. This pulpwood concession is located in the middle of Riau’s Pulau Rupat island. PT SRL’s work plan was still being improved in order for it to be approved by the ministry.


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